Trainings – HPDI


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“Learning must sometimes be a road; always a horizon.” - Nicolae Iorga

Leadership in Line 1
In the constantly evolving business environment, there is a need for leaders who not only command respect but also, by their own example, promote responsibility, engagement, inclusivity, and an unwavering commitment to the company's mission. In the corporate arena, leadership is a battle of ideas, strategies, influence, and attitudes. To succeed, leaders must possess not…
The purpose of the Leadership Accelerator program is to equip participants with the resources needed to maximize their leadership capabilities. This comprehensive academy involves a mix of training sessions, group discussions, self-analysis, and exercises that help both established and emerging leaders effectively meet the demands of leadership. Participants will gain valuable insights on how to…
Leader as Coach
Leader as Coach is a person-centered leadership program designed for leaders who want to maximize the performance of the teams they lead. Leader as Coach uses experiential learning methods through which leaders have the opportunity to practice the coaching approach in their relationship with employees, thus preparing them to take more responsibility, increase resilience in…
In the current business context, challenges and changes occur at every step of the way. To turn a successful employee into an effective leader, we need to approach his becoming strategically so that his “training” will help him meet the challenges ahead. Beyond the individual aspects, the leader must identify the meaning he gives to…
Rising Stars
In today’s business environment, challenges arise at every step. To become an effective leader you must be able to respond to these challenges with skill, expertise and strategic approach. Beyond the individual aspects, the leader must identify the meaning he gives to group dynamics by using emotional and management skills. It will be able to…
Professional Human Being
The time of the "boss" is over. The era of the Human who leads people still brings surprises and challenges for which no one has prepared us. What makes the members of a team move forward when others stop? How to see a common destination, when individualism was the main lesson in childhood? What prevents…
Mindset Change
Although change is the only constant, it is still one of the daily challenges for both organizations and individuals. The focus is always on managing change, that is, HOW to implement change in the most effective way. Our approach at HPDI is one that goes deep into the subject and starts at the most important…
Future of Work
How do you plan to navigate through the unknown? The leadership expert Jim Bagnola has built an agenda of the most useful tools for understanding and preparing for the future. It aims to equip managers with the information and practice necessary to streamline their teams through a good balance between motivation and performance. The Future…
Master the Onboarding Process
The onboarding process is an essential component of adapting new employees to their role and to the company’s values and business philosophy. Beyond the integration and assimilation of new members by the team, the process involves even deeper implications, ensuring their organizational engagement, dedication and retention. According to recent studies, 2 in 10 employees say…
Attracting new talents
The right people in the right place bring you closer to your goals. Choosing the best candidate requires a set of necessary skills, but also a specific mindset of growth, represented by curiosity and flexibility. This 2-day session is held by a recruitment expert and ensures complete training for a recruitment professional. Objectives How to…
Self-motivated organization
This program is based on Daniel Pink’s book intitulated DRIVE and his social research for over 20 years. His studies, recognized by both academic institutions and organizations, have focused on the belief that money is not a motivator, but rather a hygiene factor, and therefore cannot be the ultimate goal for the individual or organization.…
Eat, think, love and have fun
We have all heard of the digital natives generation, digital memory or digital existence. Technology has become an organic part of our lives, but also the biggest distractions, often moving us away from the things that matter most: physical and mental health, emotional balance, and human closeness. Our digital wellbeing program aims to improve the…
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